Setting the Mood


My mom taught me to have pride in my appearance, while not obsessing over it. (Let’s address this first- I don’t care if you look like Miss America if your heart isn’t beautiful too.. we could talk all day about this.) 

But here’s the thing- look good, feel good, DO GOOD. To feel good, it helps to look good & to look good, you gotta feel good! The second I’m able to achieve this in the morning, I feel like I’m ready to conquer the world. Have you ever been forced to run an errand last minute and had zero time to get ready? Like the “just rolled out of bed, still in your pj’s” kind of not ready. For me, it doesn’t matter if I’m not even going to see one familiar soul, I feel like crud the whole time. I’m rushing so I don’t have to talk to anyone, avoiding eye contact at all cost and even embarrassed to interact with the cashier. In my opinion, that’s not living. I love looking people in the eyes with confidence, having a meaningful conversation or sharing a smile with a stranger. Heck, even if you’re not leaving your house at all! I find that I am so much more productive when I feel confident in the way I appear. (I even workout harder when I feel cute haha!) The point is, I believe you can do everything you’re designed for to your fullest potential when you’re confident in the way you look and feel. 


I try to get ready almost every single morning. (Let’s be realistic here, I definitely have my days where I just can’t.. but I TRY!)  If nothing else, I like to get ready from the neck up because even leggings and a t-shirt can look somewhat polished if your hair and makeup is put together. (Side note- getting ready every day during the 2020 quarantine helped me stay sane.) 

To make it easier and more desirable to get ready every morning, I like to set the vibe and have a beautiful space designated just for primping. I’m talking about feeling faaabulous, hunny! My primping area is like stepping into another world! It is an EXPERIENCE. Here’s how I set the mood to feel amazing. 

  • wake up early to give yourself plenty of time, so you don’t have to rush.

  • make the bed, first thing! A made bed and a tidy room totally changes a mood. 

  • Open up the shades. Natural light is the best to do your makeup in, but sunshine first thing in the morning is such a mood booster too. Bonus, if you get to watch the sun come up! 

  • Coffee! I like to make a cup of coffee to drink while I put my makeup on. 

  • Light a candle. Why do candle’s make an ordinary task feel instantly more sophisticated? I like my primping area candles to have a super feminine, sexy scent. (yes, a candle can smell sexy!)

  • Turn on your primping playlist! My choice of music totally depends on what I’m getting ready for. My favorite Pandora stations for getting ready: French Jazz (makes me feel fabulous every time.) Dolly Parton Radio, Hillsong United Radio, Norah Jones Radio (especially for a rainy, cozy day) Frank Sinatra Radio, Pistol Annies Radio. Give some of these a try and let me know your favorite! 

  • Have a cozy robe you feel cute in, designated just for primping! I have about 5 of these. 

  • I think every girl deserves a beautiful vanity! It doesn’t have to break the bank! You can even create your own and make it beautiful. (When my husband and I were a couple months into marriage and broke as a joke, I repurposed an old school desk from an estate sale. I bought a frameless mirror from home depot and DIY sticky Hollywood lights from Walmart. It wasn’t perfect, but it was really special to me and it beat throwing my makeup, jewelry and hair tools in a bathroom sink. 

  • (I’ve linked a few of my favorite vanities for reasonable prices HERE!

Do you have your own primping rituals?
I’d love to know! Let me know in the comment section below!


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